Professional Sports

Professional Sports
Sports Design Group has experience and insight on all types of field and track surfaces.
These include:
– Vertically draining natural grass sand based fields
– Natural grass soil based fields
– Reinforced natural turf systems
– Synthetic turf fields
– Track and field event rubberized and natural material surfaces
Sports Design Group has provided solutions and services to many household-name professional sports organizations.
- Dallas Cowboys Training Fields
- Denver Broncos Stadium Field (DD Grassmaster 2001)
- Gateway Grizzlies Baseball Field
- Green Bay Packers Lambeau Field
- Green Bay Packers Training Fields
- Houston Astros Stadium Baseball Field
- Oakland Athletics Baseball Stadium Field
- Oakland Raiders Football Stadium Field
- Philidelphia Eagles Stadium Field (DD Grassmaster 2001)
- Pittsburgh Pirates Stadium Baseball Field (Allstar Game Field Renovation)
- Pittsburgh Steelers Stadium Field (DD Grassmaster 2001)
- Minnesota Twins Target Field
- Milwaukee Brewers Miller Park
- Colorado Rockies Coors Field
- FC Dallas Soccer Complex
- San Antonio Professional Soccer (Alamo Stadium)
- Seattle Seahawks Training Facility
- Seattle Seahawks Stadium – Football & Soccer